our story
You know that little voice that won’t stop talking, the one that keeps you up at night, that little shrewish good for nothing echo that just wont shut up? You feel that glaring side eye that speaks of judgment, that stress-infused oil of a remark that seeps deep within, that conspicuous egotistical know-it-all that only adds to the pressure inside. You see that culture that takes it upon themselvess to diagnose your feelings as an outcome of “evil eyes”, apparently we’re all doctors now and apparently we havent tried yoga... and if it wasnt clear enough we apparently haven’t thought of those who have it worse than us. We would love nothing more than to switch it all off, had there been a button for that. Trust us, we’ve tried. Save us your it’ll get better.com, your phd in “I’ve figured life out” advice. Some call us crazy, others prefer the word lazy and the thesaurus definitely favours the term lunacy. Wouldnt it be easy to just give up? Raise the white flag and call it a life. But wouldnt that be giving into what they want. It’s their world against ours and who wants to see them win? We’re the perfectionists, the self-doubters, the overthinkers, the anaylsts. We are the “I already made plans” introverts. The ones who can’t see beauty in our reflections, the ones who toy with the idea of death itself. We are the ones who make others laugh all the while our hearts bare the weight of sunken sadness. We are the ones who shake our legs and double lock our doors, just to be safe. We are the voices who go unheard. The voice of the kinder sub-conscious. We are the armour to all those like us. We are neversaydie.